Prices & FAQs



*Free trial for 30 days.

Unlimited Users

Compliance Management

Password Privacy Management

Access Request Management

Account Management

Activity Monitoring

API Access Management



SDK for iOS & Android

SendGrid Integration



*Free trial for 30 days.

All Standard Features

Multi Factor Auth

Single Sign On

Payment Integration

Social Login


Got Questions?


Whether you are an existing user, about to use VYou or just curious about a new feature, these FAQs provide useful information and tips on how to set it up and how to use VYou to get the most out of today’s solutions.

What is VYou?

User management and access management solution that can be easily integrated in your iOS, Android and Desktop applications.

How to integrate VYou?

Check our documentation page to follow step by step instructions with examples and written explanations. If you need help, contact us, we have integration team available:

How do I get in touch with VYou support?

You can send us an email: or you can contact us by phone: +34934815085

How do I get a FREE trial month?

Request your FREE month here or simply contact us and our team will give you all the necessary information on how to proceed with the integration.

Is it possible to customize VYou?

Yes, absolutely. Contact us and we will do the discovery session with you to see what exactly you would like to personalize. We have a team dedicated to custom software development.

How to renew the VYou licence?

VYou licence is valid as long as you pay for the licence. The payment is done annually and you receive an invoice with your licence number featuring the functionalities you are currently using. At the end of the year of your current licence you will receive an email with the guidelines to follow to renew or upgrade your licence featuring all the options.

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